72nd Annual Memorial Day Service at Arlington National Cemetery

November 15, 2020

Remarks by Gerald Yamada

Bugler at the 72nd Annual Memorial Day Service, November 15, 2020 (Rescheduled). Photo: Neet Ford.

By Gerald Yamada

On behalf of the Japanese American Veterans Association, I welcome you to this 72nd annual Memorial Day Service at Arlington National Cemetery.  JAVA is proud to again co-sponsor this service, with the Washington, DC Chapter of JACL and the National Japanese American Memorial Foundation. 

Thank you — to Turner Kobayashi and your family — for again organizing today’s rescheduled Memorial Day Service.  This event was started in 1948 by Turner’s Dad, Key Kobayashi.  I remember Key with very fond memories and appreciate his work, as a member of the Redress Commission staff.  This program has been organized every year, since 1948, by the Key Kobayashi family, and we look forward to enjoying this program in the many years to come.

Today, we honor the soldiers who are no longer with us.  They came from different backgrounds to serve, but they had one thing in common.  They believed in America. 

For our community, the World War II Japanese American soldiers serve as our role models.  They put honor, duty, and country first.  They kept their faith that America was still the land of hope and opportunity for them and their families.  They answered the call to serve because their faith in America was neither diminished by the government’s suspicions of their ethnicity nor eroded by the government’s distrust of their loyalty.  

They stepped forward at a time when they knew that they would be putting themselves in harm’s way.  Almost 800 Nisei soldiers made the ultimate sacrifice during World War II.  They died fighting for America, without knowing, if the freedoms, for which they fought, would be restored to their family and friends, who were unjustly imprisoned by the Franklin Roosevelt Administration. 

The wartime service and valor of the World War II Japanese American soldiers won battles on battlefields in Europe and in the Pacific, and fought prejudice at home.  Today, and every day, let us remember their faith in America, their sacrifices for our community, and their service to our country.  They are our heroes.  They are America’s heroes. 

In this delayed Memorial Day service, let us honor, with our deepest respect, all fallen soldiers.  And, in appreciation to all, who have served and are serving, we simply say to you, “Thank you for your service and God bless you.” 

Gerald Yamada, 72nd Annual Veterans Day Service at Arlington National Cemetery, November 15, 2020.  Photo: Neet Ford.

Tribute to Lt Key Kobayashi, MIS Veteran and Founding JAVA Member

November 15, 2020

Remarks by Turner Kobayashi

Turner Kobayashi  at the 72nd Annual Memorial Day Service, November 15, 2020. Photo: Neet Ford.

By Turner Kobayashi

11/15/20 is today’s date.  Numbers have a way of working in mysterious ways.  My father, Key Kiyokazu Kobayashi was born on March 11, 1922 in Fresno, California.  Both his parents passed before he turned the age of four and he was raised by family and family friends.  He grew up in Fresno, Turlock and eventually graduated from Alameda High School.  He got accepted to the University of California, Berkeley and was an excited and avid student.  In the second semester of his sophomore year, he learned that Executive Order 9066 was signed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, this order authorized the evacuation of all persons deemed a threat to national security from the West Coast to relocation centers further inland.  Little did he know or understand the road that laid ahead.

He was moved from the college campus to temporary housing, then to an assembly center in Fresno before finally arriving at the Gila River Relocation Center in Arizona. It was an eye opening experience for a 21 year old young man.  He adjusted and adapted as best as he could, he joined the camp baseball team to give him the chance to travel outside the barbed wire fences to play other camps.  He realized that the only way to actually leave the camp was either for the war to end or for him to join the US military.  He chose to join the U.S. Army.  Due to his bilingual skills, he entered the Military Intelligence Service and achieved the rank of Lieutenant. 

Upon one of his deployments, he meets my mom in Tokyo.  Kyoko Toyoda was a Japanese national at the time, having lost her father, older brother and sister to the horrific Tokyo fire bombings.  I can only imagine what my grandmother was thinking when a young man wearing a United States Army uniform comes up and asks her for her daughter’s hand in marriage after all the suffering she had experienced. 

Our dad came back to the states with a young bride that spoke no English, two small children at the time and went back to finish his schooling.  He graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Political Science and later went on and received his Master’s degree from Columbia University in International Relations. 

But things weren’t easy.  There was still quite a bit of anti-Japanese sentiment after the war and finding a job was very challenging.  Fortunately, some of his military buddies would vouch for him and he was able to get a job at the U.S. Patent Office and then he moved over to the Library of Congress, where he spent the bulk of his career as the Assistant Head of the Japanese section.

He became the father of seven children, four girls, three boys.  My mom became a proud naturalized U.S. citizen and eventually had her own distinguished career with the U.S. government.

Our dad was active, very active.  He was the President and member of our elementary, intermediate, and high school PTAs.  He was a proud, long-serving member and officer of the Kiwanis Club.  He was an active officer and member of the DC chapter of the JACL.  He was one of the original members of JAVA.  He worked on The Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians.  He was a long time volunteer and officer for Little League Baseball as their Far East Liaison Representative.  He was instrumental in bringing the Japanese and Taiwan teams to the Little League World Series, even acting as team interpreter and representative for ABC Wide World of Sports coverage.  A year after his death, Fairfax County named the baseball park that my brothers and sisters played on at Jefferson Village in Falls Church after him:  The Key Kobayashi Baseball Field.  Our Field of Dreams.

We are here today in part because of our dad.  He began a memorial service back in 1948 with other JACL members like Mike Masaoka and Ira Shimasaki for an annual Memorial Day Service here at Arlington National Cemetery. He was the chairman of this event for 44 consecutive years until the year of his death in 1992.  My family and I have been attending this event for many years.  For the last 28 years, I have had the honor to carry on this tradition as chairman of this event.  It has been running for 72 years now, the longest continually running service by an outside organization in the history of Arlington National Cemetery. 

It was on 11/15, November 15th in 1992, that changed our family’s lives.  It was this day 28 years ago, that my mom’s husband of 40 years at that time, our dad died suddenly and unexpectantly of a heart attack.  It was an incredibly sad day.  I miss him to this day as I know my mom and brothers and sisters do. 

However, this story does not end on this sad note.  Just over a month ago, on October 14th, my only child and daughter, Kara had a son, my and Mary Kay’s first grandchild, a first great-grandson to my mom and dad.  His name is Cody Kiyokazu Divakinja, after his mom’s grandfather, her dad’s father, her grandmother’s husband.  Ironically, the time of birth was 11:15.  As they say, as one chapter closes, another one opens. 

Here’s to the memory of my mom’s husband, our dad, our children’s grandfather and great grandfather, a community leader, a fighter for civil rights, a coach, a volunteer, military officer, patriotic citizen, your friend and colleague and a great man:  Key Kiyokazu Kobayashi.  Love you Dad.   

[Ed Note: To watch a recording of the 2020 Memorial Day Service or learn about the Keynote Address given by CAPT Cynthia Macri, MC, USN (Ret), visit the JAVA Memorial Day webpage at https://www.java-us.org/Memorial-Day or click here.]

Keynote speaker CAPT Cynthia Macri, MC, USN (Ret) at the 72nd Annual Memorial Day Service, November 15, 2020. Photo: Neet Ford.

JAVA and NJAMF Livestream 2020 Veterans Day Ceremony

2020 Veterans Day wreath placed before the names of the 800 Nisei soldiers killed-in-action in World War II, National Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism in WWII, Washington, DC. Photo: Nicole Yamada.
JAVA Vice President Howard High serves as emcee at the 2020 Veterans Day Ceremony. Photo: Nicole Yamada.

While many traditions have been upended this year, the Japanese American Veterans Association (JAVA), along with the National Japanese American Memorial Foundation (NJAMF), kept to tradition and held its annual Veterans Day Ceremony on Wednesday, November 11th, at the National Japanese American Memorial in Washington, DC. Instead of audience applause, heart and thumbs-up emojis floated over the JAVA Facebook feed, as watchers from far away locales such as Hawaii, Florida, and California signaled their gratitude for the sacrifices made by Nisei Veterans and their families.

Gerald Yamada, JAVA President, Veterans Day Ceremony, November 11, 2020. National Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism in WWII, Washington, DC. Photo: Nicole Yamada.

JAVA Vice President and U.S. Army Veteran, Howard High, served as emcee. He opened the program noting that the JAVA/NJAMF Veterans Day Program was selected by the Veterans Day National Committee from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as one of the “Veterans Day observances throughout the country to represent a fitting tribute to America’s heroes.” Howard High then introduced Gerald Yamada, JAVA President. Yamada welcomed viewers and noted that the day’s damp weather reminded him of his days in basic training in Fort Lewis, Washington. Yamada then reflected on the “huge debt of gratitude” owed to the Nisei soldiers who served during World War II. He continued,

“They served with valor.  They amassed a heroic combat record, which is yet to be surpassed.  They left us a legacy, from which we have benefited and will continue to benefit.  They are an inspiration for all Americans. Their service kept America safe and free.  Their service proved their loyalty, in spite of the prejudice, war hysteria, and distrust that confronted them.  They truly are America’s heroes.

Let us also honor the 800 Nisei soldiers whose names are inscribed on the granite panels of this Memorial behind me.  They died defending America’s freedoms — not knowing whether their sacrifice would make a difference. 

History would say to those 800 Nisei soldiers, ‘You can rest in peace.  Your sacrifice did make a difference.’” 

Rhianna Taniguchi, NJAMF Board Member & U.S. Army National Guard Veteran, Veterans Day Ceremony, November 11, 2020. National Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism in WWII, Washington, DC. Photo: Nicole Yamada.

Next, Rhianna Taniguchi, NJAMF Board Member & U.S. Army National Guard Veteran addressed the virtual audience. After thanking veterans for their service, Ms. Taniguchi highlighted the remarkable diversity of the armed services and underscored the Nisei’s contribution to that diversity:

“The story of Japanese American military service during World War II reminds us that no matter what race you may be, what language you may speak, or what religion you may practice – all Americans have a place in our country and in our ranks. Those who know their story are well equipped to serve tomorrow’s veterans because they know that our nation and our military are strengthened by its diversity. It’s our responsibility and honor to share that history.”

Ms. Taniguchi then encouraged listeners to go beyond words and reach out to a veteran. She urged all to consider mentoring a veteran at work, donating money to a veteran organization, and learning about veteran issues like PTSD. Ms. Taniguchi finished by sharing her hope that on this Veterans Day, “each and every one of us can make a difference in the life of a veteran.”

U.S. Coast Guard RDML Andrew M. Sugimoto, Assistant Commandant for Intelligence, Veterans Day Ceremony, November 11, 2020. National Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism in WWII, Washington, DC. Photo: Nicole Yamada. 

Taking the podium, U.S. Coast Guard RDML Andrew M. Sugimoto, Assistant Commandant for Intelligence, opened by sharing how personally significant it was for him to finally visit the Memorial.  He explained that his father was a camp internee in Arkansas before volunteering to fight in World War II. Other family members also served – an uncle in the 442nd, two uncles in the MIS, and some made parachutes and critical war supplies in camp. For Sugimoto, the “dedication, sacrifice and courage exhibited by those who served in our nation’s armed forces” felt particularly personal at the Memorial and offered that the Japanese word “giri” or moral devotion undergirds the sacrifices and spirit of service of those that came before us. The Rear Admiral continued that his sense of duty began when he took the oath of office. He added that the powerful words of the oath have been spoken by “17. 4 million Americans who have paused their personal pursuits, have said goodbye to loved ones…and have done so to ensure that every one of us still has the ability to speak our minds, follow religions of our choice, vote, love those who we want to, and to be secure in our inalienable rights.” Sugimoto emphasized that such liberties, even though they might be taken for granted “were secured by our veterans who chose to serve.”

RMDL Sugimoto suggested the Japanese word for gratitude or “kansha” was also fitting for Veterans Day. He then thanked the 17. 4 million veterans who “selflessly secured” American freedoms. He also thanked military families; “the husbands, the wives, and the kids,  [who] each and every day provide the love and foundational support for service members to go out and honor that oath of office.” Sugimoto closed by suggesting the that the Memorial’s sculpture of the entwined golden cranes bound by barbed wire not only “embodies [his] family’s experiences, their need for communal support and interdependence on one another while struggling for freedom” but also represents the service members daily fight for freedom and need for support. Sugimoto told watchers that he is hopeful for the future, and that his “hope was brought by the very service of our nation’s Veterans and I am eternally grateful.”

JAVA Executive Council Member LTC Mark Nakagawa, USA (Ret), and RDML Sugimoto observe a moment of silence,   Veterans Day Ceremony, November 11, 2020. National Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism in WWII, Washington, DC. Photo: Nicole Yamada.

After the Rear Admiral’s words, JAVA Executive Council Member LTC Mark Nakagawa, USA (Ret), and RDML Sugimoto placed a wreath before the 800 names of Japanese Americans killed in action during World War II. The wreath laying was followed by a moment of silence for the fallen. Before ending the program, Howard High thanked the speakers and JAVA co-sponsor NJAMF for helping us to honor our Veterans and remember the sacrifices they have made to preserve our freedom.

[Ed Note: To watch a recording of the 2020 Veterans Day Ceremony visit the JAVA Veterans Day webpage at https://www.java-us.org/Veterans-Day or click here.]

Stature Is Not A Matter Of Height:
Short Visit, Life-Long Impression

PFC Takeshi Kazumura (possibly the shortest soldier to serve in the U.S. Army) and Lt. Joseph Lawrence Byrne. Photo: U.S. Signal Corps.

(First printed in Rafu Shimpo, Nov. 5, 2009)By Robert M. Horsting

The Sunday before Memorial Day I was listening to the comments of NPR commentator (Cowboy Poet) Baxter Black. He recounted an afternoon sitting with his son and dad (asleep in his chair), having just watched a documentary about the USS Enterprise, in which men stayed with wounded comrades rather than swim to safety. The film reminded him of his dad, “Grandpa” Tommy, who served in the navy. Whenever asked about his service “Grandpa” Tommy would jokingly reply, “I saved the world”. With Memorial Day approaching, Mr. Black said he would say, “Thanks Grandpa Tommy, for saving the world.” as soon as he awoke from his nap.

That account brought to my mind one of those men of World War II. Putting thoughts of personal safety aside as he dove into the heated fuel-filled water of Pearl Harbor to retrieve bodies and remnants of sailors floating amid the wreckage of the battleship Arizona. The attempts had the ring of futility to my ears as he expressed that those he pulled to the docks were beyond needing help, but it was a job that needed to be done. This action evoked the image of a statuesque sailor of Hollywood movies (circa the 1940s) or the strong swimmer’s physique of Johnny Weissmuller (Olympic swim champion/Tarzan), so you might be surprised to read that Larry “Shorty” Takeshi Kazumura stood a towering 4′-9″.

As the Japanese attack unfurled with the sound of machine-gun fire and the explosions of torpedoes hitting the moored ships, Mr. Kazumura (a member of a civilian work-crew) was busy loading lumber onto a ship, bound for another island. This cargo stayed at Pearl Harbor, quickly fashioned into coffins for the overwhelming body count, which was buried in long trenches by the harbor. Mr. Kazumura was the only man of Japanese heritage left on the base (to his knowledge and for unknown reasons), the others having been escorted off with their arms raised in the air as he watched them march away. Working a 36-hour shift, his prolonged exposure to the fuel and other chemicals in the water resulted in a six-month-long illness.

I had the honor of meeting Mr. Kazumura in 2007 when he agreed to participate in an interview with the Go For Broke National Education Center’s, Hanashi Oral History Program. Originally born and raised in Hawaii, he later settled in Seattle, Washington, where he joined the Nisei Veterans Committee (NVC). The NVC arranged our introduction and participated in the interview. 

Shocked by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, and angered by the death of his two friends, Mr. Kazumura felt compelled to volunteer his service at the first opportunity. The 100th Battalion (a segregated Japanese American unit) was formed mainly from members of the Hawaiian Territorial Guard and Hawaii based Nisei (second generation) soldiers already in the service when war was declared. The U.S. Military decided to expand the recruitment of these hard training soldiers to include servicemen and volunteers from the mainland and then returned to Hawaii to fill the additional 1,500 men needed to form the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Mr. Kazumura seized the opportunity to join the ranks. He was initially turned away with the phrase, “Son, you’re too short”. Overwhelmed by the crush of 10,000 volunteers to fill the 1,500 spots, the initial onsite physicals were dispensed with. He made it past the first station when standing erect, he declared to an officer that his height was 5’ or 5′-2″, he didn’t quite remember. The skeptical officer sent him to the next station and the stature of his determination got him into the unit…that and a later discovered clerical error that lists his height at 5′-8″.

“Shorty” spoke of how the issued uniform—designed with the average non-Asian in mind—hung off his body, the sleeves reaching the floor. It evoked the image of a boy wearing his father’s uniform on-for-size. Like many of his fellow soldiers, he would have to have the uniform altered. Boots proved to be another challenge, as he was issued a pair of size 8 boots to fit his 2-1/2 EEE feet. His account conveyed both the difficulty of training, as the length of the newspaper-filled boots gave him little traction on a field march and the comical appearance of oversized clown shoes. Our crew found many opportunities for laughter, because he spoke in a light easy manner, with the ability to see a situation as others might and having the gift of being able to laugh at himself.

Despite his height, “Shorty” had a strong physique, which was strengthened by a year-plus of training at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, before the 442nd received orders to ship out and deploy to Europe in May 1944. He also possessed a keen sense of direction, which he proudly proclaimed, won him the first Private First Class rank within his unit, during their first week of training. This ability assured the men of his group that they would find their way back to camp during night-maneuvers training.

“Shorty” was assigned scout and runner (messenger) duties and served as a bodyguard for 1st Lt. (and later, Capt.) Joseph Lawrence Byrne. Shorty’s height provided a stark visual contrast to that of Byrne’s 6′-4″ frame. The two soldiers got along very well because of the mutual respect for each other’s abilities, which resulted in their teaming up to survey the landscape whenever I Company would relocate to a new area. “Shorty” expressed concern that Lt. Byrne’s height would make him an easy target for the Germans to zero-in-on. He quickly concluded that your height really doesn’t matter; recounting an incident where he received nicks and bruises from shrapnel, kicked-up rocks, and debris, while Byrne standing next to him was unscathed. 

Visit to Newly Opened National Museum of the U.S. Army!

National Museum of U.S. Army, Ft. Belvoir, VA. Photo: Rod Azama.

By CAPT Wade Ishimoto, USA (Ret)

Rod Azama and I toured the National Museum of the U.S. Army on November 23, 2020.  The Museum, set adjacent to Ft. Belvoir in Northern Virginia, is striking and impressive both inside and out. The building commands attention, the silent and strong type, as it rises from a grassy expanse. Inside, exhibits, galleries, and films tell the stories of individuals, units, and campaigns from the Nation’s colonial times to current conflicts.

The Nisei WWII story is spread throughout the Museum in different galleries. The 442nd Regimental Combat Team plaque that JAVA purchased is in a prominent position on the wall bordering the parking lot and leading to the museum. JAVA is also recognized on a large wall comprising one end of the Veterans Hall as a Silver Oak Leaf Cluster donor. The experience of Nisei soldiers in WWII is showcased on the third floor. A collection of donated artifacts such as an MIS dictionary and hand prosthetic along with photographs help tell the story of the 100th, 442nd, and MIS. A continuously playing video features interviews with Grant Ichikawa and Terry Shima. Grant is even sporting a JAVA polo shirt in the clip.

Nisei Soldier Experience exhibit, third floor, National Museum of U.S. Army. Photo: Rod Azama.

Innovative displays using touch screens that one can scroll to find in-depth details are stationed throughout the museum. For example, in the display of Colonel Robert Howard, a deceased friend and Medal of Honor winner, the touch screen covered Bob’s individual actions and the operation that he was on in great detail.  It took me some 10 minutes to scroll through his write-up. The exhibits were equally fascinating. I came across one that caught me quite off guard–an exhibit on Operation Eagle Claw, the 1980 attempt to rescue 53 American hostages in Tehran, Iran. I recognized those in the photo as Dennis Wolfe, Norm Crawford, and Larry Friedman (who perished in Somalia years later).  In the middle of the exhibit was an object that I couldn’t quite make out.  As I got closer to where I could read what was below the object, I was shocked to see that it was the shoulder holster I wore in Iran on the rescue mission.  I believe I had given it to John Bianchi, a close friend whose company made the holster.  John passed away about 10 years ago, so I have no idea who might have donated the holster to the museum 

Rod and I had a great time.  Highly recommend a tour of the museum

Operation Eagle Claw exhibit, National Museum U.S. Army. Photo: Wade Ishimoto.
Operation Eagle Claw Exhibit, Pistol Shoulder Holster. “Capt. Wade Y. Ishimoto wore this holster from 24-25 April 1980 as a member of Delta Force during Operation Eagle Claw, the mission to rescue American embassy hostages held in Tehran, Iran. National Museum of the U.S. Army. Photo: Wade Ishimoto.

[Ed Note: The National Museum of the United States Army opened its doors on Veterans Day, Wednesday, November 11, 2020. To watch the opening ceremony click on this link: https://www.dvidshub.net/webcast/25129.

Tickets are free but must be reserved in advance. Click this link to make a reservation, https://www.thenmusa.org/timed-entry-ticketing/

Visit the Museum’s website at theNMUSA.org or take a video tour of NMUSA by clicking this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo-yEf4HF-s.]


In a multi-episode series, David Ono, Channel 7 ABC News Los Angeles explores racial stereotypes and history in “FACEism. Episode 3 features Japanese American and Army veteran Roger Shimomura and his art, Episode 8 covers President Reagan’s apology for the U.S. internment of Japanese Americans during WWII, while Episode 13 highlights 442nd veteran Lawson Sakai and his experience fighting in France and his return visit in 2019. Click on the links below to watch.

Episode 3: Click on this link to watch Roger Shimomura confronts racism, stereotypes with art
Episode 8: FACEism: Click on this link to watch President Reagan’s apology for the US internment of Japanese Americans during World War II
Episode 13: Click on this link to watch Japanese-American veteran receives a hero’s welcome in French village he helped liberate in WWII (Lawson Sakai)

Charles Masuo Murakami Conferred the rank of French Chevalier

French Chevalier Charles Masuo Murakami and Family (l to r) Kerry Murakami (nephew), Linda Murakami (niece), Katelyn Murakami (Kerry’s daughter), Kenji Murakami (Kerry’s son), Yoshiko Murakami (our mom, Charles’ sister-in-law) and the little guy is Nicolas Dajani (Linda’s son).  Photo:  Courtesy of the Murakami Family

By Jeff Morita, Hawaii

October 12, 2020 (Columbus Day) — The Carriage House Gracious Retirement Living in Oxford, Florida — On a picture perfect day, Mr. Charles Masuo Murakami (98) was conferred the rank of French Chevalier (Knight) for his personal sacrifice and gallant “Go for Broke” military service to help liberate France from oppression in World War II.   With COVID-19 Pandemic health and safety concerns on the minds of all, Mr. Laurent Gallissot, Consul General of France in Miami and staff made a special trip to personally and officially confer the French Chevalier (Knight) Medal.  Chevalier Murakami, a heavy weapons (caliber .30 machine-gun) section leader was assigned to 2nd Platoon, H “How” Company, 3rd Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team.  Murakami was wounded in the neck by artillery shrapnel during the combat assault and liberation of Bruyères.  Also present for the historic event, Dr. John “Jack” Wyland, Mr. Murakami’s VA primary care physician who took it upon himself to contact Ms. Claire Mitani, Executive Secretary, 442nd Legacy Center and Veterans Club (Hawaii) to nominate Mr. Murakami for France’s highest decoration.  Morita then compiled a strong and compelling nomination that successfully competed with other nominations submitted to the French Government.  Mr. Murakami is Morita’s 30th successful induction into the prestigious “Chevalier dans l’Ordre national de la Légion d’honneur” (Knight in the National Order of the French Legion of Honor).  Much appreciation for the many other individuals and staff at the Mr. Murakami’s retirement living facility who helped coordinate this historic event.

Consul General of France in Miami, Mr. Laurent Gallissot and a very nice showing of Chevalier Charles Masuo Murakami’s co-residents, staff and guests at The Carriage House Gracious Retirement Living in Oxford, Florida.  Photo: Courtesy of the Consulate General of France in Miami.

Veterans Memorial Court Alliance Video Tributes to Honor Veterans Day, U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer Kirk T. Fuchigami Jr., and Judge Vincent Okamoto

For Veterans Day 2020, the Veterans Memorial Court Alliance honored all Veterans, Kirk T. Fuchigami Jr., and Judge Vincent Okamoto with floral presentations at the Japanese American National War Memorial Court in Little Tokyo, CA. The videos were filmed and edited by Robert Horsting. Watch below or visit the website, https://www.memorialcourtalliance.org/veterans-day-2020 .

Veterans Memorial Court Alliance’s  2020 Veterans Day Tribute, Japanese American National War Memorial Court, Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, CA.
Veterans Memorial Court Alliance’s tribute to CW2 Kirk T. Fuchigami, Jr., U.S. Army. Japanese American National War Memorial Court, Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, CA
Veterans Memorial Court Alliance’s tribute to Judge Vincent Okamoto. Japanese American National War Memorial Court, Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, CA.