Join Us

JAVA is a registered 501(c)(19) Veterans’ Organization and must comply with Internal Revenue Code provisions that require 90% of its membership to be comprised of war veterans.

To qualify as a War Veteran Member, the applicant must have served honorably in the United States Armed Forces during any of these periods but need not have served in a war zone (as specified in 38 S101 and Rev. Rul. 78-239, 19781 C.B. 162):


To qualify as a General Member, the applicant must be either:

Friends of JAVA. As an alternative to general membership, anyone interested in supporting JAVA and its committees, attending public events sponsored by JAVA, and receiving email notices and newsletters can become a Friend of JAVA. We welcome all non-veterans to join as Friends of JAVA, especially ancestors of former members of the United States Armed Forces or lineal descendants of present or former members of the United States Armed Forces. Friends of JAVA memberships have no voting rights and are not eligible to be elected to a JAVA office or serve on the Executive Council.

JAVA does not currently assess membership dues. However, donations are gratefully accepted.

Select membership level

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Membership level

War Veteran - Free
Subscription period: 2 years
No automatically recurring payments

General - Free
Subscription period: 2 years
No automatically recurring payments

Friend of JAVA - Free
Subscription period: 2 years
No automatically recurring payments